
Building Stronger Bonds: Hair Sensitivity Tests For Couples

Building Stronger Bonds: Hair Sensitivity Tests For Couples

Food sensitivities and intolerances are common and have been on the rise in the past few years. The most common ones include lactose intolerance. Sensitivities to foods develop over time; however, some people are born with food sensitivities that can persist, or they can outgrow them.

Most children tend to outgrow food sensitivities as they develop into their teenage years. However, if one develops food sensitivity as an adult, it’s common for it to persist, and they’d have to deal with it constantly.

However, some adults can outgrow food sensitivities, especially if underlying conditions and illnesses are brought on those sensitivities. Once a person treats these underlying conditions successfully, the body becomes less sensitive to the foods that it was sensitive to before.

What is food sensitivity?
The term food sensitivity is used interchangeably with food intolerance. When you have food sensitivities, it means that your digestive tract cannot break down a certain food or foods. One can suffer from one or more food sensitivities. Food sensitivity also refers to your gut being sensitive to specific foods or ingredients in those foods.

Sometimes your digestive tract cannot break down specific foods because your small intestines produce insufficient enzymes necessary to break proteins or carbohydrates in that particular food.

This concept can easily be explained using lactose intolerance. When one has lactose intolerance, it’s due to the body’s difficulty in breaking down lactose, a sugar in milk. The small intestines are responsible for producing lactase enzymes, whose role is to break down lactose sugars.

However, people with lactose intolerance lack sufficient lactase enzymes required to digest lactose. This results in lactose intolerance symptoms, including IBS symptoms like diarrhoea, gas, nausea, and abdominal pain.

Suffering from food sensitivity can affect the quality of your life, especially if you keep consuming the food your body is intolerant to. However, dietary and lifestyle changes can help you avoid such issues.

Even though we’re aware of the causes of food sensitivities like lactose intolerance, researchers have been unable to pin down the cause of other food sensitivities. However, solving the problem has always been eliminating said food from one’s diet.

What are hair sensitivity tests?
Hair sensitivity tests are a non-invasive way of determining which foods can cause intolerance symptoms by affecting your digestive system. Suffering from symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, and stomach pain every time you eat specific foods can be uncomfortable. For years, diagnosis has been offered in alternative medicine provider’s offices.What is a hair sensitivity test

However, since we have grown in technology, it has become easier to offer at-home tests that don’t require one to go to the doctor’s office to get a diagnosis. These at-home tests include one that requires your blood sample and another that requires your hair sample.

Unlike blood tests, a hair test is less invasive, especially if you’re afraid of getting your skin pricked. Hair sensitivity tests involves sending your hair sample to the lab, where scientists will test it, and you can get results showing which foods your body is reacting to.

It’s, however, essential to note that hair sensitivity tests can only check for food intolerances and sensitivities, not allergies. The only way to check for food allergies is through a blood test. Allergies are an IgE reaction; only a blood test can determine your food allergies.

How accurate are hair sensitivity tests?
Hair sensitivity tests involve the use of bioresonance testing, which is a technique used in complementary and holistic medicine. Bio-resonance testing is built on the idea that everything is energy, and you can measure its wavelengths.

So, if you’re sick, measuring the wavelengths in your body can show which cells are affected, and by knowing this, it can be fixed by restoring the cell’s wavelengths to normal. When you are sensitive to a specific food, your body releases IgG antibodies as a response. These aren’t quite as severe as IgE antibodies released during allergic reactions.

If IgG antibodies are released, you’ll have a delayed response to the food you’re sensitive to. Often, food sensitivity symptoms take between a few hours to a few days for the symptoms to show up.

Hair testing is helpful for those who have had the food they’re sensitive to in the past few weeks. However, if it’s a food you haven’t had, then it can’t appear as a reaction because the vibration of that specific food is no longer present in your electromagnetic field.

How much hair do you need for a sensitivity test?
When taking hair samples for you and your significant other, for sensitivity tests for couples, you may need around three to four strands of hair if your hair is longer than an inch. When taking a hair sample, ensure it includes the root of your hair.

It may not always be possible to get the root of your hair. However, try your best to cut hair as close to the root as possible when cutting hair for testing. This way, it becomes more accurate when bioresonance tests are done.

A Sensitivity Test for Couples means you’ll be getting a discount on the price, and it’s cheaper than purchasing two separate hair tests. Get your samples separately and mail them back to the lab for testing. You’ll get your results via email within a week of the samples arriving at the labs.

It doesn’t matters if your hair is coloured or treated; this factor won’t interfere with your test results. The hair sensitivity tests check for the frequency in your hair samples, and as long you either get it with the root or cut it as close to the roots as possible, you’ll have accurate sensitivity test results.

Final thoughts
Food sensitivities are common, but this doesn’t mean you must live with uncomfortable symptoms. This type of test checks for the body’s wavelengths and measures them to see if you have food sensitivities and which ones they are. If you need two tests, you can do a Hair Test for Couples and have it at a discounted price. This could be a greater bonding experience for you and your significant other.

Once you’re aware of your food sensitivities, you can go on an elimination diet and see how that affects the symptoms you are suffering from. With the help of a doctor, you can adjust your diet accordingly without suffering deficiencies.

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