
How do you get around a dairy intolerance?

How do you get around a dairy intolerance?

What is fortified milk? Are there any benefits and uses to drink it? If you have a dairy intolerance then you are definitely looking for milk alternatives. Other milks like soy milk and almond milk could be exactly what you are looking for. Many people use fortified milk to help themselves add nutrients into their diet that would otherwise be lacking.

Do you have a dairy intolerance?

The item does offer several benefits compared against unfortified milk. Even if you do not have a dairy intolerance (and are experiencing symptoms like fatigue); here are just a few reasons why trying different milks should be part of your health plan:

1. It’s better for vitamins

Yep, suffering from a food or dairy intolerance could see you lacking minerals and calories. Vitamin D and Vitamin A are very important in contributing to your mind, body and health. To make sure you have enough of vitamin A and vitamin D, fortified milk could be exactly what you are looking for. Of course, if your intolerance test results have indicated that you are suffering from a dairy intolerance, then you will need to look for alternatives which do not contain dairy. It must be noted that both fortified and unfortified milk is highly nutritious and could leave you living a healthier life.

2. Fortified milk fills nutrient gaps in your diet

Getting the right nutrients and minerals into your diet is of the utmost importance. This is easier said than done if you realise that you have an intolerance to allergy to one of the big eight allergens. The fortification and enrichment of flour and milk have helped most eradicate deficiency diseases in a lot of developed countries. BUT, again we bring it back to dairy intolerance, what can you do? Well, there are many other kinds of milk you can try to ensure you are getting the right nutrients and minerals. These will depend on your tastes and intolerances, however.

3. Improves your bone health

Consuming milk and other dairy foods is so important for your bone health. As all milk is naturally high in calcium and phosphorus, it is a recommended part of your diet. If you do not have a dairy intolerance and are wondering what the best option is between milk and fortified milk, Healthline recommends fortified milk. Either way, you need to find the best way to squeeze milk into your diet, as it can help to promote healthy development in children, help prevent nutrient deficiencies and also increase bone mass and strength.

For more information on dairy intolerances, intolerance testing and identifying certain allergies, Sensitivity Check is the best way forward.

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