
Stomach Bloating: Eat more of this!

Stomach Bloating: Eat more of this!

Stomach bloating is just one of the many common problems which are usually bought on by overindulging on certain foods. This person’s diet can cause trapped wind, and also help you focus on particular foods which can help you reduce a bloated stomach.

What does a bloated stomach mean? 

It is not usually the sign of anything serious, but a bloated stomach can usually indicate lactose intolerance. In fact, lactose intolerance can often cause a bloated stomach. However, if you have a dairy intolerance then you may have to eliminate these items such as dairy from your diet.

But if you don’t want to cut these out your diet, what can you do to reduce bloating and achieve a flatter stomach?

Consume Oily Fish

Eating salmon can ease your intolerance symptoms. This is because fish is the richest source of omega 3 fatty acids in the diet, and this is imperative to make sure you consume a balanced diet. The Daily Express wrote an article in which they list how helpful eating fish can be when dealing with a bloated stomach.

Cut your Calorie Intake 

This sounds simple, but not everyone can do it. It can be quite hard to cut down your daily calorie intake, especially if you are a fussy eater. But choosing the right diet and cutting down on those bad calories can leave you with a much flatter stomach! If this is your aim, then cut down on the junk food and eat more healthy foods, like salads, fruit, and fish!

A Regular Eating Pattern 

If you are trying to lose some weight, then it can be tempting to skip meals and avoid eating any food whatsoever. The issue is that this could be actually be causing your body more harm than good. If you have tried skipping meals and have experienced bloating then you will know the feeling. Eating will then cause you to feel even more bloated. Please do set yourself when sensible goals when planning a diet, both in terms of how much weight you will lose and also how much you will eat.

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