What Is The Accuracy Of Food Sensitivity Tests? - Sensitivity Check Australia

Food sensitivity tests offer insight into the foods causing digestive distress. Studies have shown how IgG antibody levels in the bloodstream call for a sensitivity reaction to a specific food/s. Even though food sensitivity tests give you such unique insights, they’re not meant to be used as a remedy to a doctor’s advice.

It’s especially important to contact a professional when you want to do an elimination diet so they can guide you. Many people have food sensitivities, and these symptoms worsen when one consumes more trigger foods. Figuring out which foods cause sensitivity symptoms can help you turn your diet around and feel better.

Before food sensitivity tests, it was hard to discover which foods cause you such dire digestive symptoms. But these days, home-lab food sensitivity tests help you figure out this puzzle, and then you’re left to decide how you can further manage your diet so you stop suffering from symptoms.

What is a food sensitivity test?

Food sensitivity means that your body cannot digest specific foods as well as it should. This could be due to insufficient enzymes to break down these foods, genes, underlying conditions, or chemicals in food. When you have a food sensitivity, the symptoms take a while to show; when they do, they mostly consist of digestive symptoms.

A sensitivity test checks for food and non-food items that you’re sensitive to. You can either give your hair sample or blood to get tested for food sensitivities—a hair test checks for frequencies in your hair against those of different food items. Through the frequencies, it is easy to know which food items give you sensitivity symptoms and which don’t.

On the other hand, a blood test checks for IgG antibodies in your blood when a food solution is introduced. When you have a food sensitivity and consume a trigger food, it flares up your intolerance symptoms and IgG antibodies in your blood. So, by measuring IgG antibodies, you can easily determine whether a specific food causes sensitivity symptoms.

Whichever type of sensitivity test you choose will help you figure out your food sensitivities so that you can get started on a health journey that doesn’t include frequent stomach upsets and IBS-like symptoms. You can easily live free from symptoms when you manage your diet after getting a sensitivity test result.

A blood sensitivity test

A blood test checking for food sensitivities uses your blood sample to see the quantity of IgG antibodies your cells release when introducing a food solution. Usually, when you consume something you are sensitive to, your IgG antibodies rise slowly as your body tries to break down that specific food or protein.

So, scientists use this logic to measure your tolerance to various foods. IgG is an antibody released in the body when you react to certain foods While IgE antibodies are released during an allergic reaction, IgG antibodies are released when one has a food sensitivity.

A simple IgG blood test can help determine what you may be sensitive to. You can then consult your dietitian so they can let you know which foods to add to your diet when you go on an elimination diet to take advantage of major nutrients and vitamins that can result in deficiencies.

A hair sensitivity test

Testing for food sensitivities using a hair sample uses a complementary form of therapy that’s famous worldwide. Bioresonance therapy is a form of complementary therapy that isn’t recognized by mainstream medicine. These days, however, it’s a form of medicine and therapy used alongside conventional medicine.

Bioresonance testing uses the idea of physics, which states that everything is energy. Therefore, every cell in your body, including your hair, stores energy, telling a story about your health and everything about you. So, bioresonance testing takes the information stored in your hair cells and uses it as a tool to diagnose your food sensitivities.

The MARS III machine that does this testing checks for the frequency of the hair sample against food items in its system. When the frequency is over 85%, you have a sensitivity to that specific item, and it’s the one causing you sensitivity symptoms. To do a hair test, you must have suffered from food sensitivities in the recent past. Only then is the memory still new and easy to identify.

This sensitivity testing is non-invasive, so it’s the safest for people afraid of needles and seeing blood. It’s a very accurate method that has helped many people mind their diet and feel better within no time. Unlike a blood test, hair testing is simple and fast, requiring nothing much from you.

Hair testing is also significantly cheaper and easier than other forms of testing. So, if you’re looking for something quick, accurate, and more affordable, then a hair Sensitivity Test is the best thing you can get.

What to do after a sensitivity testwhat percentage of a reaction is classed as a sensitivity

Now that you know the accuracy of sensitivity tests, you can get one of your choices and learn which foods cause intolerance symptoms to eliminate them from your diet, even for a short time. You can ask your practitioner to guide you on your elimination diet. It’s not meant to last forever. However, it will help you figure out how your body feels after you remove certain foods from your diet.

If food is very problematic and gives you many digestive symptoms even when taken in minimal amounts, then it’s best to take it from your diet and replace it with something more nutritious. When removing these foods from your diet, replace them with other foods with the same nutritional profile to ensure you stay healthy and have a balanced diet.

You should also get checked for digestive diseases like IBS, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, and leaky gut syndrome. These conditions often show symptoms similar to those of food sensitivity, and you must be on the lookout for these. An illness like leaky gut syndrome can cause a lot of inflammation throughout your body, causing you to be open to a variety of conditions.

When you deal with these underlying conditions when eliminating stubborn foods from your diet, you can quickly restore the health of your gut and feel better. Some people even end up having healthy guts that can be less sensitive to some foods, allowing them to reintroduce them back to their diets.

You can also use prebiotics and probiotics in your diet. These help encourage the growth of your “good gut” bacteria, which ensures your gut is healthy and functions like it should. Healing the gut requires a lot of focus on a healthy diet and hydration.

Final thoughts

Food sensitivity tests are a gift to those suffering from sensitivity symptoms without knowing the causes. Sensitivity Tests are also very accurate and can help you figure out which food sensitivities you’re suffering from so you can fix them by managing your diet. By going on an elimination diet, you get to observe your body and see if you’re free of the sensitivity symptoms before reintroducing these foods back into your diet. If something still causes uncomfortable symptoms, talk to your doctor about excluding that food from your diet so they can help you figure out which food to replace it.

This article was written by Donna, our Nutritionist / Care Manager

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